The last property we upgraded was in Swindon for a couple who wanted to make sure their PRC home was in the most profitable condition for their children to inherit, making plans ahead to avoid uncertainty in the future. Unfortunately their home was a palace, and any building work causes upheaval and disruption, however this was easily overcome, and by the time they had decorated the affected area, they had a FULLY repaired home to be proud of with the Highest Certification available.We have helped many people with these types of properties to upgrade either by overseeing the workmanship of their own builder or (for speed) by supplying one of our own dedicated teams.
Latest PRC Property Repair
Our latest PRC Property full repair was carried out to ensure a fully marketable property for their children to inherit.

PRC Repairs
PRC Repairs
There are many PRC properties that were repaired by Local Authorities back in the mid eighties early nineties with the aid of a Government grant. In some cases the original repair schemes fall short of the requirements from main stream Lenders today.
If you have one of these properties we would recommend upgrading to gain FULL certification. The highest level of certification will ensure a higher market value and a wider acceptance from Bank and Building Societies ensuring a quicker and seamless sale or purchase.
Our Solutions
There are thousands of these partially repaired PRC homes all over the country. We have upgraded the greatest number in Yorkshire, the East coast, Wales and in and around the Bristol area where there are larger clusters of these properties.